Techtorial SDET Course




#1: you are your the family’s IT person

Did you organize your grandparent’s Android TV apps? Did you persuade your parents to use a password that doesn’t contain their birthday? Did you tell your aunt and uncle to turn something off and then turn it back on? Over 90% of TestingEngineers are the fam’s go-to IT person (as we know, it’s an unpaid position).

#2: You like communicating with other people

Communication is one of the main components of Workplace success. Communicating effectively with managers, colleagues, and other team members is important. Communicating is not only important in IT but it is important in every industry. There are some skills for communication like listening, nonverbal communications, friendliness, etc. In Techtorial, we put more effort to improve the communication skills to help our students to prepare them for the professional Software Test Engineering career.

#3: You like asking questions while learning

We know every student learns differently and we like teaching the way you like. Some people have their questions and hesitate to ask in class we always encourage our students to ask questions and get their answers right away.
We have countless mentors and instructors you can ask every question you have.

#4: If you think Elon Musk is the influential person for you

According to the new survey of global industry professionals, Elon Musk has been ranked the most inspirational figure in tech. Elon Musk is not motivated by commercial or financial success, he is motivated by creating a better and brighter future for humanity. We know that computer science is all about humanity where you can help people and provide a better solution for their problems. It is like a superpower, you have the ability to reach many people at the same time.

#5: You’re under 40

Our student’s average age is under 40. We know that the biggest names in tech are often 40-plus, but the people who are scripting the code and altering the world are still younger than 40. In the U.S the average age for coders is 32.8. However, we know that age is no limited, if you are feeling yourself that young enough to learn and change your career, we are open for everyone who is determined to be successful.

#6: You are a team player.

As a QA Engineer, you will not only work with other QA engineers or SDET’s you will be also working with web developers, designers, and engineers but also other teams in your company. You might find yourself working closely with Business Analysts, Designers, or working directly with clients. That’s why working well with your team is an essential thing in IT.




Techtorial exists to provide the opportunity to transform your life by offering training in the field of Software Test Automation Engineering.